Contract Address: 0xC56352530A6700984a5D94c52a1B555e95C1faA0
💡 Any wallet can be used to purchase a wrapped ticket, if you hold a wrapped ticket you will not be able to see the balance on the Stars Arena app, as it is held by a contract and a synthetic ticket is issued to you.
Pricing Contract: Manages the prices for transactions. Address: 0xC605C2cf66ee98eA925B1bb4FeA584b71C00cC4C
Transaction Contract: Handles buying and selling operations. Address: 0x3c7d92d8Fd8A02935Bc9b74b31F2197F04Fb2073
Token Storage: Keeps track of token distributions and balances. Address: 0x3c7d92d8Fd8A02935Bc9b74b31F2197F04Fb2073
Price Reference: Reference for current market prices. Address: 0x3c7d92d8Fd8A02935Bc9b74b31F2197F04Fb2073
Selling a synthetic asset first requires an approval. The AVAX recieved for selling is held in contract, and can be withdrawn above in the popup.
💡 This app is Beta - please DYOR and only use contracts you are happy with.